HOUSTON, TX — Megachurch pastor Klive Fursteen has just delivered yet another hard-hitting, impassioned sermon where he couldn't help but get choked up during a particularly powerful point in the message.
According to sources, this "raw and authentic" pastor moment happened in all 5 services that day at the exact time, approximately 37 minutes and 28 seconds into the sermon.
"It was so sudden and spontaneous — I just don't know what came over me those 5 times in a row it happened," said Pastor Klive Fursteen. "It's important to be vulnerable and let the real me show sometimes and let them see Pastor Fursteen cries too, ya know?"
Witnesses say the congregation sat up and paid attention at the same point in each service, many of them pulling out their phones to record a TikTok video of the touching moment.
"With a congregation size of 43,000, crying is a great way for me to connect on an emotional level and build strong relationships with each and every member," added Pastor Fursteen. "Getting choked up lets them know I'm serious and helps the congregation wake up out of their semi-conscious lull and maybe listen to me for a few seconds."
At publishing time, sources also confirmed the worship leader cried the entire way through the worship set as usual.
The Founding Fathers didn't always agree behind closed doors.