New Disney+ Premium Service Will Send A Satanist Drag Queen To Your House To Teach Your Kids About Communism
Entertainment · Apr 9, 2021 ·

U.S. - A new Disney+ premium add-on called Disney++ will just send a satanist drag queen to your house to teach your children the basic tenets of communism.

While the company has been pushing a far-left agenda for years, they finally decided to just drop the act of making entertainment altogether and instead just cut right to the chase. When you subscribe to the service for an additional $666 per month, instead of having your kids learn leftist values from Disney Channel shows, Marvel films, and one of the 177 Star Wars shows on the service, they can get it straight from the drag queen's mouth.

Conservative parents were kind of upset about the new service, but most shrugged their shoulders and said, "Eh. As long as Disney+ continues to babysit my kid while I browse TikTok and day drink, I'm cool with it."

Since $666 per month may be prohibitively expensive for many, President Biden has proposed subsidizing the service for low-income families, calling the proposal "infrastructure."

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