New Baptist Alcohol Delivery Service Offers Covert Beer Drop-Off
Christian Living · May 13, 2020 ·

U.S. - A new Baptist alcohol delivery service, Holy Hopper, offers to deliver beer directly to your doorstep under the guise of root beer, soda, juice, and other acceptable beverages acceptable to the Lord.

Your ice-cold six-pack of beer will be delivered while inconspicuously packaged as root beer or another admissable beverage of your choice.

"Now you can enjoy the devil's drink while your neighbors remain none the wiser," said the startup's founder on condition of anonymity, going under the alias Mack Arthur John. A Baptist himself, John said he was taking advantage of his state's new alcohol delivery laws but didn't like the glares he got from Mrs. Morgan next door. "She gave me a pretty evil stare down every time I got a fresh pack of delicious stouts, IPAs, or porters dropped off at my door."

Now, he says, Mrs. Morgan looks at him suspiciously, but then smiles and gives him the thumbs-up when she sees a pack of root beer being dropped off. He smiles and waves back, then closes the door behind him and enjoys the forbidden fermented fruits in peace.

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