Map In Fox News Offices Labels Every Country Outside The US As Mexico
Politics · Apr 1, 2019 ·

NEW YORK, NY - A map hanging in Fox News' offices reportedly labels every country other than the United States as some form of "Mexico."

The "world map" displays the USA at its center. Then, it has arrows pointing in the general direction of every other country. All of them are called "Mexico," though each name has been embellished with a helpful descriptor to distinguish all the Mexicos from each other.

"It's important to us to get facts right, and that's why our reporters often reference this handy map," said a Fox News host giving a tour of the offices. "Our journalists will double-check whether or not they have the name of a country right. For instance, you don't want to get caught accidentally referring to Mexico Mexico as Moose Mexico or Oil Mexico as Tea Mexico. That would just be embarrassing."

The map is reportedly an improvement over the old map that was hanging there for the past 20 years. The previous map just had the United States with a legend indicating the rest of the world did not exist at all.

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