Man Wishes All These Natural Disasters And Rumors Of Wars Were Predicted In The Bible Somewhere
Christian Living · Jan 14, 2020 ·

IOWA CITY, IA - As Trevor Sonnenberg was working on the discussion questions for his church small group, he wished the Bible was more relevant to the unrest happening around the world. With a volcano in the Philippines, another earthquake in Puerto Rico, and the continued threats coming in and out of Iran, the young ministry leader wanted desperately to share some insights from Scripture that would speak to the times.

"It would be awesome if like Jesus or someone had predicted that there'd be earthquakes and rumors of wars and all these horrible things happening," said Sonnenberg. "It would give us confidence in God's Word and help us to process these events biblically, but I couldn't find anything." 

Many couples in Sonnenberg's small group expressed interest in discussing current world events from a Christian perspective, and he very much wanted to oblige but was unable to find any pertinent texts.

"All I know is that as Christians our response should definitely be to freak out about all this stuff," said Sonnenberg. "If we're not panicking, who will?"

In an effort to get more relevant content, the group took a break from their study of the book of Matthew and watched several Ray Comfort videos instead.

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