MacArthur To Build Wall To Keep Charismatics Out
Celebs · Mar 18, 2016 ·
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SUN VALLEY, CA - John MacArthur, pastor of Grace Community Church and president of The Master's College and Seminary, has made a lofty promise to his congregation. He has reportedly committed to building a 20-foot thick, 30-foot high concrete wall around the entire perimeter of the church campus in order to keep out charismatics that might otherwise infiltrate their ranks.

"I will build a great wall, God willing. And I'll build it very biblically. I will build a great, great wall all around our campus - and I'll make the Pentecostals pay for it. Mark my words," MacArthur was quoted as saying Friday.

It was during MacArthur's keynote speech at his Shepherd's Conference last week, hosted by GCC, he unveiled the first details of the massive structure. "These little lines all up on top of the wall? They're 50-caliber Browning machine guns," he intoned proudly. "When you factor in the barbed wire, 24/7 guard patrols, and boiling hot buckets of tar kept at the ready, there's no way the strange-fire-starters are making it through. They'll be slain alright, but not in the Spirit!"

The estimated cost for the project exceeds $700 million, a cost MacArthur states will be billed directly to various charismatic organizations.

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