Local Baptist Careful To Fully Immerse Chick-Fil-A Nuggets In Honey Mustard Sauce
Christian Living · Apr 22, 2017 · BabylonBee.com

RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA - "Lots of people just pour or sprinkle," local Baptist Ryan Etherton says as he slowly lowers his fourth Chick-fil-A nugget into his tub of honey mustard, careful to cover all surfaces of the fried chicken product entirely. "As for me and my house, we utilize total immersion, just like Jesus and His disciples taught."

Etherton is a leader of the Dining Biblically Foundation, which is part of a larger grassroots movement to promote Baptist principles in fast food eating methods.

"It's the only proper mode of nugget dipping," Etherton told reporters Monday. "Not once do we see the disciples instructed to 'sprinkle' honey mustard, ranch, or barbecue sauce on their Chick-fil-A."

"It's full immersion or it doesn't count," he added.

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