Liberty University To Offer Course In Defending Trump At Holiday Gatherings
Politics · Nov 8, 2017 ·

LYNCHBURG, VA - Just in time for the upcoming holiday season, Liberty University announced its plans to offer an online course for Donald Trump supporters who will need some help defending him at family get-togethers.

According to the University's online catalog, the course, titled "Trumpologetics 101", will "train students to use techniques developed and honed by Liberty University leadership, who are among the nation's premier experts at defending even the most non-Christlike aspects of Donald Trump's policies, public statements, and personal life."

Sources confirmed that the course will teach skills like blaming fake news, projecting how much worse things would be if Hillary Clinton were president, and comparing Trump to King David of the Bible.

A University spokesperson confirms Liberty will offer a degree in Trumpologetics beginning next year, which they expect to become the cornerstone of their undergraduate curriculum.

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