SIMPSONVILLE, SC — Sources indicate that the last holdout still wearing full business attire to his work-from-home job has finally caved, going pantsless to his Zoom meetings this morning.
"I remember back in April 2020 when I wrote a whole LinkedIn post about the importance of still wearing business attire even when working from home – simpler times!" Adam Michaels made an updated series of YouTube videos explaining his decision, lifting his leg into frame to show his hairy thigh under boxer briefs and explaining why he no longer wears pants.
After his standard introduction to his video series "How To Achieve Ultimate Productivity While Working From Home," Mr. Michaels backed away from his camera and walked in circles to demonstrate his new "business up top, comfort on the bottom" style. "I still stand by 'working your best because you're looking your best' – but now I place a greater emphasis on 'ergonomics, comfort, and letting the ol' dogs breathe.'"
Other working-from-home topics covered on the channel have included "Ideal Workspace Setups When Working in a Laundry Room", "How To Soundproof a Bathroom", and "Top 10 Foods Guaranteed To Shut Your Noisy Kids Up". Sources say Michaels has had extra time to devote to the YouTube channel thanks to his new 4-hour workday.
At publishing time, Mr. Michaels also became the last person to stop texting and start using Siri talk-to-text.
A journalist from The Atlantic spills all after being mistakenly added to a group chat with top Trump officials.