Kim Jong Un Criticized For Meeting With Nation That Has Killed 60 Million Babies
Politics · Jun 14, 2018 ·

WORLD - North Korean President Kim Jong Un came under intense scrutiny this week after meeting with a barbaric nation that has killed over 60 million of its young since legalizing abortion in 1973.

Political commentators agreed that by meeting with the nation of savages that abort hundreds of thousands of their young each and every year, Kim Jong Un appeared to be legitimizing the backwards, depraved nation of America.

"Just picture Kim Jong Un up there shaking hands with Hitler," one pundit said. "That's basically what this amounts to, when you consider that he's meeting with a country that has killed over 60 million babies since Roe v. Wade. I'm just not sure this kind of a meeting represents good optics for the North Koreans."

"What kind of message does this send to the unborn children in America? It's not a good look for him to be glossing over these kinds of atrocities just for a few empty promises from the U.S.," another commentator said.

Kim Jong Un also came under heavy fire for meeting with America due to the Western country's reckless stockpiling of thousands of nuclear weapons.

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