Ken Ham Ejected From Theater For Yelling 'WRONG' Every Time 'Jurassic World' Actors Say ‘65 Million Years'
Celebs · Jun 22, 2018 ·

FLORENCE, KY - According to reports from the Florence Mall Cinemark 14 Movie Theaters, young earth creationist Ken Ham was ejected from a showing of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom after repeatedly yelling "WRONG" any time the actors claimed dinosaurs existed over 65 million years ago.

Ham, who believes humans and dinosaurs roamed the earth together as recently as 6,000 years ago, could be heard loudly blurting out his objections from the rear of the theater, according to witnesses. Each time the actors said phrases like "millions of years" or "aeons of evolution," Ham would reportedly yell "INCORRECT," "WRONG," or "DECEIVERS!" at the film, before booing loudly and throwing popcorn and other snacks at the screen. Witnesses state Ham was abruptly escorted from the theater after security was notified of the disruption.

"Yeah, we've had to remove Ham a few times," a theater manager said. "He chained himself to the movie theater screen and refused to come down during a showing of X-Men Apocalypse a couple years ago, yelling something about mutations not being beneficial to the chances of an organism's survival. Weird dude."

Reports confirm Ham was charged with disorderly conduct and faces jail time of up to 6 literal days.

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