Joel Osteen Frustrated As His Pulpit's 'Check Theology' Light Comes On Again
Celebs · Feb 22, 2019 ·

HOUSTON, TX - An exasperated Joel Osteen threw up his hands while preaching this past Sunday as his pulpit's "Check Theology" light came on once again.

"Ugh, this is the third time this month---what now!?!" he shouted in a rare outburst. Osteen then suddenly realized that the tens of thousands of people who come to his church for a self-help speech every Sunday were watching him intently. "Oh, uh, heh---I mean, it's no problem. I, uh, just had that little outburst so you could see what NOT to do."

"See, you don't want to let negativity in your life," he said, regaining his composure as he plastered a fake smile on his face.

After the service, Osteen had a pulpit mechanic in to look at the sleek, stainless steel podium. The mechanic hooked it up to his portable computer. "Ah, here's your problem, bud," the worker said. "Looks like you're preaching the Word-Faith gospel again. See, when you tell people that all they have to do to solve their problems is speak words of positivity, it trips the warning on this model."

"I recommend repenting of your false gospel right away," the mechanic said helpfully.

Osteen then thanked the mechanic for his help and paid him to rip the Check Theology light right out of the dash.

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