Inconsiderate Pastor Holds Church Services On Same Day NFL Teams Play
Church · Dec 13, 2018 ·

TUSTIN, CA - A local pastor is being called rude and inconsiderate by his congregation for scheduling each weekly church service for Sunday, the same day most of the NFL teams play each other.

Church members pointed out that scheduling their weekly time of binging NFL games is much more difficult when they have to try to work around a morning and evening service every Sunday.

"It's like, there are six other days he could do it, and he has to pick Sunday," said one disgruntled church member. "I can't catch the pregames, and those early East Coast games are straight out. It's ridiculous." The member then quickly added that the pastor can't pick Thursday evening or Monday evening, as those are reserved for NFL games as well. "And obviously we can't do Saturday - that's college football day."

"But literally any other day where I don't already have something planned is fine," he said.

The church body held a vote of no confidence in the pastor this week, calling on him to repent of his fixation on worshiping the Lord on Lord's Day and select some other day. "We're not sure why this is so hard," one deacon said. "The first day of the week is for resting with the Saints - or the Packers, Patriots, or whatever your team happens to be. Then we can offer God our second best some other day."

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