Harvey Weinstein Nominated For New Nobel 'Respect For Women' Prize
Celebs · Feb 4, 2021 · BabylonBee.com

OSLO - After considering worthy candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize, such as Antifa, BLM, and ISIS, the Norwegian Nobel Committee has announced its nominees for the new "Respect for Women" prize, introduced in the wake of the MeToo movement.

"Much like how we are looking to honor Black Lives Matter for their efforts toward peace, we are considering presenting this award to Harvey Weinstein for his incredible work advancing respect for women around the world," said a representative of the committee, Dr. Bjørn Irkestøm-Slater Walker. "While we acknowledge that Mr. Weinstein would be a controversial selection, he has a few things going for him. If he had never committed all his sex crimes, we wouldn't have had such attention brought to the issues of sexual assault and harrasment. He single-handedly launched the MeToo movement, and we have to acknowledge his great work in this area."

"Thanks, Harvey!"

The Nobel Committee is known for selecting only the most deserving candidates for its various awards, and Weinstein will only cement that perception in the minds of the public. From giving Barack Obama a Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing to giving the award to the U.N. and the International Panel on Climate Change, certainly the most deserving recipients ever to have existed, the committee is dedicated to preserving its reputation.

Other nominees for the Respect for Women Prize include Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, and Bill Clinton.


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