LOS ANGELES, CA - According to sources in the Grimes household, Amy Grimes is such a godly, loving, gracious woman that she often pretends she hasn't already seen the memes her husband shares with her.
"Honey, check this out," Victor Grimes said as he held up his phone, grinning like an idiot. The screen displayed an image of Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took discussing second breakfast, though the caption had been edited to make some humorous commentary on modern life. "Hilarious, right?"
Grimes threw her head back and laughed long and deep. "That is so funny, babe," she said, though she'd seen the meme many times on Vine, TikTok, Pinterest, Snapchat, and Buzzfeed. "Where do you find this stuff?"
"Sometimes, you have to make your man feel special," she said later. "If that means laughing hysterically at a meme I've seen over and over again, so be it."
"She's a real Proverbs 31 woman," said Pastor John MacArthur when asked for comment. "The true woman of God is a supporter, a helper, a godly wife and mother, and a laugher at memes even when she's seen them a million times before." MacArthur later asked his aides what a "meme" was, though he'd mostly figured it out from context already.