Gary Busey Lands Coveted Lead Role In Remake Of 'McGee And Me!'
Entertainment · Oct 10, 2019 ·

McGee and Me! fans, rejoice! We're finally getting what we've been asking for all these years: a live-action version of everyone's favorite Christian series starring none other than A-lister Gary Busey!

**Record scratch**


Too good to be true, right? Wrong! The cartoon/live-action series that took your childhood by storm is now taking your adulthood hostage with a Gary Busey remake!


"This is the role I've waited all my life to play," said Busey. "I really connected with the idea of a little animated character who comes to life to lecture some dumb kid on what's right and wrong. Seriously, what's wrong with that little punk? Thinks he knows everything and draws all good and stuff. I'm gonna teach him a thing or two."

"I've always wanted to play a real spiritual character like McGee," he added. "This is the role I was born for. When you play a character like McGee you have to get into his head, real deep. You're not just some torturing sadist on Lethal Weapon anymore. This is McGee, for heaven's sake. The 'cream of the crem.' You don't just walk on set and pull that out of your lunchpail."

"If it weren't for my devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ I never could have channeled this character. I am McGee. The Lord willed it. It was meant to be. When I got in a car wreck and was pronounced dead on the operating table, the Lord Christ said, 'Heck no. I still have work for you to do.' McGee and Me! is that work."

The role of Nick will be played by Kirk Cameron digitally altered to look like he's a young teen, ensuring that this remake will win the hearts and minds of today's Christian youth.

"We kept waiting for the right actor to come along," said a Focus on the Family spokesperson. "So when we saw Busey on Dancing with the Stars, we knew we had to have him."

Years later, the stars finally aligned, and Busey signed on for the big-budget remake.

The new McGee and Me! will still be available only on VHS.

(Editor's note: I'm really, really sorry. We were goofin' around and I said something about how it'd be funny if Gary Busey played McGee and the next thing I know, Ethan's photoshopping it and then we just kept adding on to the concept and things got really out of hand. It's been a crazy few weeks and sometimes things get away from us. Very sorry, we'll do better next time.)

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