Fox News Preemptively Calls Arizona For Biden In 2024
Politics · Nov 6, 2020 ·

NEW YORK, NY - Fox News has doubled down on its early call of Arizona for Biden, granting the state's 11 electoral votes to Joe Biden in 2024.

Many are criticizing the move as obvious bias, but Fox News says it is only fairly and accurately granting the state to the most likely winner four years from now.

"I don't know -- it just seems like they might have jumped the gun here," said one viewer. "I'm starting to wonder if there might be some kind of bias in the corporate press. I can't quite put my finger on why I feel that way, or which direction the media might be leaning, but I dunno. I just have a bad feeling about this."

Trump immediately sued Fox News to reverse the call, prompting discussion that Trump is a dangerous threat to our fair and unbiased election process.

At publishing time, Fox News had conceded the projection was unrealistic and instead called it for Kamala Harris.

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