GUASTI, CA — A men's group met Wednesday at New Wine Church for an hour-long Bible study, 58 minutes of which was spent discussing the best bait for rainbow trout.
"The Berkley Powerbait 2-inch minnow is the way to go," said Chester Backhorn, the elderly congregant leading the study in the book of Matthew. "Go out in early morning as the sun's coming up and toss that bugger in a deep pool under some branches and you're set. Works every time."
To the onlooker, the group appeared deep in theological discussion as they began to debate preferred trout-catching methods.
"No, you all are wrong. Gotta use a weighted fly," said Deacon Dale Bruggs. "It's a tough skill to learn but you really oughtta know how to fly fish if you're going for trout instead of smallmouth."
Two minutes before the study ended, Pastor Mapple redirected the group. "Now that we agree magnetic lures are just as effective as live bait, let us open our Bibles to the book of Matthew."
Chester elbowed his friend Olin. "Oh boy, this is the one about fishin'!"
At publishing time, the men's group had finally gotten through the second verse of chapter one, just a short six weeks after beginning their study.
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