Fauci Calls The Bill Of Rights A 'Public Health Crisis'
Health · Apr 20, 2021 · BabylonBee.com

WASHINGTON, D.C. - During an interview Tuesday, Dr. Anthony Fauci called the Bill of Rights in our Constitution a "public health crisis."

Along with climate change, racial injustice, and student loans, the Bill of Rights should be declared a "public health emergency," Fauci said in his comments on an interview with CNN.

"This Bill of rights is a disaster for public health," Fauci said. "People can go where they like, say what they like, and gather to worship how they like. The Constitution doesn't even say anything about a virus. It's very dangerous, very anti-science. The pandemic was a good testing ground for us to figure out how to handle public health crises such as this contagious document. So now we know how to take down something deadly and viral like the Constitution."

"I hereby call on our leaders to help us stop the public health crisis known as the 'Bill of Rights.'"

Fauci then called for Americans' rights to be locked down for the next two decades to "slow the spread" of liberty.

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