SPOKANE, WA — During a powerful Sunday sermon delivered by her pastor, a local woman has come under deep spiritual conviction that her husband really needs to repent of his sins.
"Wow, I really hope Dave is paying attention!" said Amy, Dave's wife quietly. "This sermon is exactly what he needs to hear right now. He has been lazy, inattentive, and impatient, and the Holy Spirit is just laying on my heart that he really needs to listen up and ask God for forgiveness and do better."
Amy then bowed her head and prayed silently that her husband would realize the error of his ways and ask forgiveness from God and his wife for his failures.
"I'm so glad we came to church this morning," she said later to reporters. "It's like God knew exactly what message Dave needed so he could start being a better husband and father. Amazing!"
At publishing time, Amy's husband Dave confirmed he was overjoyed that his wife had heard that convicting sermon and was praying that it would lead her to repent of her sin.
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