PHILADELPHIA, PA — Sources close to businessman Greg Smith say that the 43-year-old entrepreneur was recently accosted by what seems to have been a time traveler from 1987 who asked if Smith happened to have a business card.
"He was very polite — he even called me 'Sir,'" Greg recalled. "We had a very pleasant conversation about the economy, but he seemed to think being $30 trillion in debt was bad for the country. And then at the end as we were saying our goodbyes, he pulled out his wallet and offered me a weird little card with his name, address, fax, and phone number on it. I was stunned — and then he asked if I had what he called a 'business card.' I looked around, but there weren't any DeLoreans in sight. Talk about wild."
Smith also said that his guest had oddly requested a bottle of Coca-Cola and seemed uncomfortable with the idea of conducting monetary transactions over a phone, but preferred to do business in person.
At publishing time, Smith had confirmed the man was a time traveler after noticing that his dress pants were starched with a perfect crease.
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