WOKE ALERT! Hollywood is once again bringing its not-so-secret GAY AGENDA into your home with the new Superman film which features... wait for it...
A sissy guy wearing underwear on the outside of his pants.
What is this woke effeminate nonsense?!
The latest images from the film feature an unnamed character from the James Gunn film brazenly walking around out in the open with bright red underwear on the outside of his skin-tight blue bodysuit, as if he's at some sort of degenerate pride parade in San Francisco.
Why does Hollywood have to push this GROOMER CRAP on our kids?
Sources close to the production also confirmed that the Superman character works as a mainstream media journalist, forever ruining the American hero we all know and love.
So disappointing.
If you're sick and tired of Hollywood vandalizing our beloved characters, sound off in the comments below, and sign the petition for James Gunn to put some modest pants on this ridiculous-looking character.
Better yet, vote with your wallet and BOYCOTT this travesty of a film.
Will Hollywood ever learn?????????
A journalist spills all after being mistakenly added to a group chat with top Trump officials.