Dave Ramsey To Host New Cooking Show Where He Yells At Contestants As They Try To Cook Meals On A Budget
Celebs · Jun 6, 2019 · BabylonBee.com

FRANKLIN, TN - Dave Ramsey is set to star in a new show where he yells and screams at contestants as they try to cook meals on a very tight budget: Heck's Kitchen.

Contestants are expected to buy their own ingredients with money out of their "grocery" envelopes. Ramsey will then decide which meal of rice and beans, ramen, or peanut butter and jelly sandwiches was prepared the most cheaply. The winner of the show will receive a coupon for 10% off store-brand beans and rice good for a full year.

"This meal cost you how much!?!" Ramsey screams at one contestant in a leaked pilot episode when he finds out the would-be cook purchased name-brand beans. "The store brand was a whole 50 cents cheaper than that, you moron! You'd better start living like no one else if you want to start living like no one else! Now go back to the store and buy the generic brand."

At one point, Ramsey loses his cool and begins berating an aspiring chef who bought ramen on a credit card. "Well, that was dumb, wasn't it? Really, really stupid. You really need to start acting your wage." He then had the contestant hand over her credit card, which he chopped up with an 8" bread knife he had bought on clearance at Big Lots as she looked on crying.

The show premieres on the Food Network this fall, though Ramsey advised viewers not to sign up for cable to watch it.

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