CNN Blames Ratings Slump On Lack Of News They Want To Report
Politics · Mar 29, 2019 ·

ATLANTA, GA - Both CNN and MSNBC saw a ratings dive this week after the Mueller report determined there was no collusion between President Donald Trump and Russia in the 2016 election, while Fox News appears to have done very well in the wake of the news.

CNN has waved away the drop in ratings, claiming it is just because there's not that much news this week that they would like to report on.

"It's been kind of a slow news week, in terms of things we actually want to report on," CNN correspondent Brian Stelter wrote on his Twitter account. "Yeah, there's a bunch of stuff happening this week, but it's not stuff that we really want to talk about. So of course we're gonna have a little bit of a ratings downtick."

"It's perfectly natural to see a little bit of a dip in ratings when your entire narrative is being destroyed and you'd rather just not talk about it," Stelter added. "All part of the business."

Executives at the station confirmed they will simply be playing Columbo reruns for the remainder of the week in lieu of talking about Mueller's report, the Green New Deal getting obliterated, the wall beginning construction, and Michael Avenatti's arrest.

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