Breaking: Two Facebook Commenters Debate Civilly, Politely
Internet · Mar 29, 2017 ·

U.S. - According to stunning reports, two strangers with opposing views on a significant social issue were able to civilly debate the finer points of the matter in a Facebook comments section Wednesday morning before politely bidding one another "good day" and moving on to their real lives.

The two internet users from different political and social backgrounds communicated to each other rationally and calmly throughout the ordeal, succinctly explaining their position while also attempting to understand the other's.

Both came away with a greater appreciation for the other party's perspective, shocked sources reported.

"They didn't even call each other 'Nazis' or otherwise compare the other's viewpoint to Hitler's," a witness of the interaction said later. "We were all watching, ready for the argument to degenerate into an all-out caps-lock shouting match, but it never happened. Amazing!"

At publishing time, the comment section had been archived for preservation by the Library of Congress, who deemed the extremely rare example of civil interaction "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant."

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