Ben Shapiro Honors Rush Limbaugh With 0.3 Seconds Of Silence
Celebs · Feb 18, 2021 ·

NASHVILLE, TN - Ben Shapiro made a touching tribute to radio host Rush Limbaugh today, announcing a full 0.3 seconds of silence over the late conservative commentator.

"OK, folks, listen up -- we're gonna have a moment of silence for Rush now, since Rush was literally the most influential conservative radio host of all time, and without him, western civilization would literally have collapsed in my and your lifetime, OK, folks? Here we go ...  Thank you for joining me in that split second of honor and respect. So many words that could have been said there, but El Rushbo deserves a few nanoseconds of quiet contemplation. And now, let's talk about your life insurance."

Shapiro said it was hard for him to hold his tongue for that long, since he sacrificed over 500 words that he could have said in that time frame, robbing his listeners of important commentary on today's political issues.

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