The Bee Explains: What's Going On With Donald Trump Jr. And Russia?
Politics · Jul 12, 2017 ·

By now you have probably heard about the recently released June 2016 email correspondence between Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian former business associate offering to provide the Trump campaign with incriminating dirt on Hillary Clinton. But with so many people slinging information and opinions around the internet like a horde of monkeys, what should you make of all of it? We're here to cut right through the noise and give you the hard truth about the situation.

What are the implications of this revelation?

It's hard to know right now, but one thing is for certain: this is definitely the smoking gun that will absolutely destroy the Trump administration, or else it's the Left's desperate, last-ditch effort to get Trump removed from office. Depending on which website you visit to read about it.

Is this proof that Trump colluded with the Russians to win the election, or not?

Yes, it is. Or it's the biggest, most baseless witch hunt in the history of American politics. Depending on who you're talking to at the moment.

Did Donald Trump Jr. clear everything up on Hannity's show?

No. Hannity's audience did not need him to clear anything up.

Would Hannity have defended Donald Trump Jr. for murdering a man in cold blood?


Would a liberal news source call for Trump's impeachment for visiting sick children in the hospital?


Are liberals aware that if they ever succeed in getting President Trump impeached, they would then be dealing with President Mike Pence?


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