In Attempt To Improve User Experience, Twitter Limits Posts To 0 Characters
Internet · Sep 27, 2017 ·

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - In an attempt to improve its user experience, Twitter has limited its users to posts of 0 characters or less, the popular yet embattled social network confirmed Wednesday.

Users logging on to Twitter will now simply see the classic interface without a single tweet marring the page. Upon attempting to send a tweet, users are met with a negative character count in red which exactly matches the number of characters they type, with the "Tweet" button being disabled unless there are zero characters in the post field.

"The Twitter experience was immediately and drastically improved by the change in our test rollouts," Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said. "Now you can simply stare at a blank page all day rather than having to read asinine opinions, dull observations, and stale one-liners."

"It's a whole new take on social networking we should have tried years ago," he continued, adding his optimism that the new format will help the struggling network increase their number of active users.

The drastic experiment is working so well, Dorsey claims, that the Twitter team is considering doubling the character limit from its new value of 0 in the near future.

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