FRESNO, CA — One local doctor's sense of achievement took a hit this week, as it was revealed that his Asian mother was disappointed that was only a regular surgeon and "not one of those specialists like my friends' kids are."
Lee Chen told her husband she wondered where they went wrong after her son Kevin graduated at the top of his class in med school and landed a job at Stanford Medical Center but wasn't any sort of specialist and probably could have done better if he had just studied harder.
"I don't know what we did wrong," Chen lamented "He studied 10 hours a day ever since he was three, he plays five instruments but we probably could have pushed him into a sixth, he was a straight-A student but I feel like with a little more pressure he could have at least graduated high school with his PhD or something. I don't know. Just a regular surgeon... and not even a neurosurgeon!"
Kevin Chen told his mom he wasn't sure he could have worked any harder and that he was well-respected in his field, but his mother wasn't convinced.
"You could be even more well-respected if you had at least studied ancient Greek AND medicine while you were at school, right?" she asked.
At publishing time, Mrs. Chen had told her two younger sons that they should probably study another four hours a day or they'll end up like their older brother.
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