Justice Alito is in hot water after the "An Appeal to Heaven" flag was spotted outside his home, as well as an American flag flying upside-down. But these aren't the only extremist flags he has been seen flying: here are nine more radical - practically terrorist - flags our journalists spotted hanging in broad daylight for all to see.
This strange flag with stars and stripes, apparently a well-known symbol of the far right. Scary!
This flag showing some kind of tree - is Alito saying that all non-white peoples must be... uprooted? Probably.
This flag telling people to live, even though people died on January 6th. Disgusting.
Literally the flag of a rebellion against government.
This flag showing a sport that white people like. Horrifying.
Every life matters? The far-right messaging couldn't be more clear.
This flag supporting chicken sandwiches that hate gay people. What a bigot.
This flag with the emblem of a literal terrorist organization. Appalling.
These images have left all of us here at the Bee shaken. Obviously, this man does not belong in civil society, much less occupying a seat on the highest court in the land. Lock him up!
Meet Devyn. The 16-year-old Chick-fil-A worker who has replaced the entire government.