The 13 Best VBS Theme Ideas
Church · Jun 29, 2022 ·

Summer is here, which means it's time for kids to be thrown into week-long Vacation Bible School programs. If you're helping your church run a VBS program you could stick to tried and true themes like "Jesus Is A Superhero," or you can branch out and try something more exciting!

Here are the best new VBS themes for your church:

  1. Game of Thrones: Explore what the world looked like before the flood!
  2. Hunger Games: Pit every child against each other in a battle to the death for the most snacks. So just like regular VBS.
  3. Sinners in the hands of an angry God: Those little sinners will never know what hit 'em!
  4. Dante's Inferno: Kids will explore the indescribable horrors of the 9 circles of hell and never misbehave again! Nice!
  5. A day in the life of Job: You'll just have to explain to parents why their kids are covered in festering sores.
  6. Make America Great Again: The teachings of Trump can bring us closer to heaven on earth! MAGA!
  7. BLM: Jesus loves all the little children — red and yellow and black. Not white.
  8. #Ukraine: Virtue signal for Ukraine and maybe they will find the gospel.
  9. Nephilim: Be prepared to answer lots of questions.
  10. One of you is Judas: It's kind of a cool take on the popular board game Secret Hitler, but...
  11. 9/11: Only the gospel can melt the steel beams of your heart!
  12. Fyre Festival: A fraudulent luxury music festival that shows children the depravity of mankind.
  13. Breaking Gospel: Paul and Luke in the roles of Walter and Jesse, but they're writing the Bible and spreading the gospel to millions.

Now get out there and teach some kids!

BIG NEWS: We made a movie, and you can watch the trailer NOW:

Click here to find out how you can watch the movie when it releases on October 11

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