Brought to you by: PROLIFE Across AMERICA
Debates about abortion can be challenging, especially when you have aggressively pro-life friends who insist on destroying your reproductive rights.
The Babylon Bee has put together the following list of surefire arguments you can use to silence your baby-loving friends once and for all:
"Babies are just parasites": They're literally the exact same thing with no differences whatsoever.
"The ancient Mayans killed lots of babies, and look how great things turned out for them": If they did it, so should we.
"You're a racist": There is no way to refute this.
"Having a baby goes right to your hips": Your life is supposed to be all about you, and you have to make sure you look your best.
"The baby might not be rich enough to afford the latest iPhone": A fate worse than death.
"Babies will make you miss out on Friday nights getting black-out drunk at the club": Babies are a serious buzzkill.
"Babies are basically womb colonizers": You have a duty to fight back against the spread of colonial oppression.
"If you make a person, someday that person will die": Pro-lifers basically want people to die.
"Elon Musk is already having enough kids for all of us": Any more kids would just be overkill.
"If you have a baby, your life might be filled with love and smiles and baby giggles": Who wants that?
As soon as you whip out any of the arguments above, you can be sure that any of your pro-life friends will be completely owned and have no other option than to get rid of their babies. Down with happiness!
NOT SATIRE: "I'm scared and don't know what to do. I feel so alone."
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Under a new presidential order, posting in support of Ukraine will automatically draft you into the military.