Worship Bassist's Highly Technical Riff Goes Completely Unnoticed
Church · Oct 20, 2016 · BabylonBee.com

FORT WORTH, TX - Eddie "The Flash" Johnson's highly technical bass riff Sunday morning during the bridge of classic worship song "Mighty to Save" went completely unnoticed by the congregation, much to Johnson's confusion and chagrin, sources confirmed.

Johnson, who has served as the bassist at Lake Worth Bible Church for twelve years, says he carefully prepared the riff over weeks of practice. His uptempo bass line consisted of highly complex repeating triplets in conjunction with a lightning-quick slap groove to underscore the lead guitarist's powerful chord transitions.

After "totally nailing" the riff as the song broke back into the chorus, Johnson looked up with a grin, but was disappointed that no one was looking at him.

"Back to the drawing board," he reportedly lamented after the service. "Maybe I have to play something more familiar, like a Rush riff, just to get their attention before I can get them to appreciate the really complex stuff."

At publishing time, Johnson was spotted at Guitar Center "absolutely shredding" on a floor model bass, though not a single passerby seemed impressed, according to sources.

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