Walmart Now Requires All Shoppers To Wear Pants
Health · Jul 15, 2020 ·

U.S. - In a move that's being called "unprecedented tyranny," Walmart is now requiring all shoppers to wear pants in their stores.

Americans everywhere slammed Walmart for the move, saying it amounted to an infringement on our constitutional rights.

"I thought this was America," said one man as a greeter asked him to please put on some sweatpants or something before coming into the store. "It is my constitutional right to go into Walmart and shop for random stuff at 3 a.m. wearing nothing but some boxers and a giant Tweety Bird T-shirt I got in the '80s."

"Look, we don't think this is too much to ask," said a Walmart spokesperson. "Just throw on some sweats, pajama bottoms, whatever. This is for the health and mental safety of our employees. And for the love of God, take a shower once in a while, you know?"

Shirts will remain optional.

A Babylon Bee subscriber contributed to this report. If you want to pitch your own headline ideas to our staff, click here to check out all of our membership options!

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