MAR-A-LAGO, FL — In a surprise move, President-elect Donald Trump has already moved re-establish relations with the notorious Castro regime.
Photographs from a dinner at Trump's home showed the incoming President smiling and chatting with a member of the Castro family, in what appears to be a warming of relations.
"It's a surprise move," said foreign affairs correspondent Ashley Maguire. "While no longer technically holding the Presidency of Cuba, the Castros remain the de facto political power center of the country. Trump appears to be making a calculated move to befriend the younger generation of Castros, perhaps hoping to leverage those connections into a further thawing of political relations."
While some Cuban-Americans felt betrayed by Trump meeting with a Castro, others expressed hope for their family members still in Cuba. "It is startling to see the leader of the free world with a heinous dictatorial family," said Camilo Alvarez. "Still, if anything can loosen the grip of communism on my home country, where my aunts and uncles all still live, I am for it. I hope Trump knows what he's doing."
At publishing time, Cuban media had denied that a Castro family member had met with Trump, a typical response from the largely anti-American media.
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