Some Kid Keeps Leaning Into Camera Shot During Greta Thunberg Speech
Politics · Oct 8, 2019 ·

NEW YORK, NY - Greta Thunberg was giving an inspiring speech to her fans earlier this week. Camera crews were trying to catch the action, but their view kept getting obstructed as some kid appeared out of nowhere to slowly lean into the shot.

Just as Thunberg started calling for people to blow up their cars to prove they don't hate children, the lanky, college-aged boy with dark hair slowly started poking his head into one cameraman's field of view.

"Scram, kid, we're trying to get some shots of Greta here," said a cameraman trying to record the speech. "How the heck did you get past security? Make like a tree and get outta here."

The kid insisted he was a famous celebrity, but nobody had any recollection of him. A few minutes later, another cameraman was trying to film Thunberg saying that flying commercial is one of the seven deadly sins, when the boy popped up again, slowly lowering himself into the shot from a tree branch overhead.

"What the---who the heck are you!?" the cameraman said. "Get down from there. You'd better not let me catch you hanging around here again."

The boy said he was the media's favorite kid used to exploit their agendas, but the cameraman just laughed. "Kid, take a hike." 

"No, really, I'm somebody important! I'm famous! The Democrats love me!" 

Lighting up a cigarette, the older man chuckled. "Kid, ya got a lot to learn about this town. You were the talk of the town, what---a few months ago? A year? Nobody cares anymore. Greta's the new hot thing."

"That's just America, sport," he added as he grabbed the kid by the collar and tossed him out of the event.

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