Ron Paul Frightens Trick-Or-Treaters By Jumping Out And Telling Them About The National Debt
Celebs · Oct 31, 2019 ·

LAKE JACKSON, TX - Sometimes adults will jump out and scare children with creepy costumes or presentations on climate change. But former representative and presidential candidate Ron Paul came up with a new tactic to frighten trick or treaters: jumping out and lecturing them on the ballooning national debt.

As the first trick-or-treaters rang his doorbell for the evening, Paul leaped from his front door and cried out, "The national debt is rapidly approaching $23 trillion!" 

The kids froze in fright, their candy bags extended, their eyes wide in terror. "This has at least three dire effects on the country: higher taxes, a weaker U.S. dollar, and a cycle of increased borrowing to make up for the expanding deficit. You see, the Fed is an unregulated beaur---"

Finally, the kids found their voices. "AHHHHHHH!!!!" they screamed, scrambling to escape from Paul's front porch.

"As the size of the debt increases and interest rates increase, the amount we pay for interest on the national debt will increase by hundreds of billions of dollars. And who will get billed for that? The US taxpayer!" he called out as they ran down the block in terror. "Don't say I didn't warn you!"

"Hey, wait, you forgot your candy!" he added.

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