Report: Majority Of Christians Far More Concerned About Which Bathrooms Trans People Use Than Whether Or Not They Will Go To Heaven When They Die
Christian Living · Jun 30, 2017 ·

U.S. - A Christianity Today research study of Christian attitudes toward transgenderism found that conservative evangelicals are still far more concerned about which bathrooms transgender people use than doing what they can to make sure they hear the gospel and go to heaven when they die.

The study compared the level of anger Christians felt when confronted with news about businesses allowing transgender people to use the bathroom of their choice to the same believers' level of anger when confronted with the fact that apart from Christ, transgender people will spend eternity apart from God.

"88% of evangelicals were 'totally outraged' to hear of a transgender person going into a bathroom intended for the opposite of their birth sex, while only 9% expressed the same level of discomfort to hear of that same person dying without Christ and going to hell," Dr. Wendell Harrison said. "Further, we found that evangelicals were forty times more likely to engage in a long rant about a news item regarding transgender bathroom rights than they were to befriend and share the gospel with a transgender person."

"I don't care if they go to heaven or hell - just keep those freaks out of my bathroom," one survey respondent reportedly wrote. "Wait, they won't have all-gender restrooms in heaven, will they? Not sure if I want to go if they do."

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