Report: Hispanics Weren't Sure Who Dems Were Talking To When They Kept Addressing 'Latinx' People
Politics · Nov 4, 2020 ·

U.S. - A new report has found that Democrats performed so poorly among Latinos because they kept addressing them as "Latinx" people, a bizarre nonsense-word Hispanics had never encountered before.

Political analysis suggests that Hispanic people saw Democrat ads using words like "Latinx" and didn't know what that meant and so ignored them. A close study has found that Democratic ads would have been much more effective if they had called Hispanics by the names they actually identify as, such as "Latino," "Hispanic," or even their nationality or country of origin.

"Latinx? What's that?" said one Cuban man in Miami as he saw a Biden bus ad reading, "Hola, Latinx! Biden es Bueno!"

"Latinx? Weird. I guess that ad isn't targeted at me," he thought to himself. He then looked down at his smartphone. "Oh, hey, look, a funny video of Trump dancing. Classic!"

Analysts are also absolutely flummoxed that Biden playing Despacito on his smartphone did very little to move the Hispanic vote in his direction.

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