Purity Ring Pops Now Available
Christian Living · Mar 15, 2018 · BabylonBee.com

U.S. - The Topps Company's Ring Pops are some of their most popular candies for children, combining the fun of novelty jewelry with the tastiness of sweet, hard candy. Who doesn't like wearing candy on their fingers, after all?

Now, Christians can get in on the action previously available only in secular varieties, with the company's new line of Purity Ring Pops, available across the country beginning this week.

The candy promises to be "an affordable alternative to buying an expensive $50 purity ring at LifeWay." The plastic jewelry includes the option for engraved Bible verses like Song of Solomon 6:3 or quotes like "True Love Waits." The rings come in special flavors Christians will appreciate, such as Baptist Casserole, Church Foyer Coffee, and Grape Juice That's Been Fermenting In The Church Pantry For Fifteen Years.

To kick off promotion of the product, the Topps Company also confirmed a limited-time offer in which Christians can collect five proofs of purchase and mail it to the company in order to receive a free copy of I Kissed Dating Goodbye by Joshua Harris.

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