PARK CITY, KS - After blessing the congregation at New Words of Life Church with a prayer of benediction to close the service Sunday, Pastor Ron Meade opened his eyes to discover the entire congregation had already exited the building, made their way to the parking lot, and been seated at a nearby Applebee's restaurant, sources confirmed Tuesday.
"And Lord, finally, we just ask that you would bless each one of us as we go out and live as lights in a broken, hurting world, Father God," Meade reportedly prayed. "In the name of Jesus we pray, amen."
But when Meade opened his eyes, he found himself staring at a completely empty sanctuary, as church members had quickly filtered out in order to get to lunch early.
"Uh…hello?" he reportedly said, confused as to what was going on.
According to sources, Meade worried for a few moments that he had perhaps missed the rapture, but his fears were calmed as he checked Facebook and saw dozens of families from the church checking in at the nearby restaurant.
The pastor then reportedly zipped over to join his family, who had also abandoned him, but they had finished eating and were already headed to an afternoon soccer game by the time he arrived.