Pastor Caught Stealing All Of His Sermon Points From Disney Movies
Church · Oct 3, 2016 ·

PUEBLO, CO - As local pastor Stan Prior eloquently delivered his motivational message Sunday morning, a 10-year-old child reportedly somehow snuck into the service with his parents. While the church would normally let the infraction go with just a warning, on this fateful Sunday, the child exposed Prior's sermons as blatant rehashes of Disney movies.

The pastor began by telling the audience a phrase he'd learned over his years of biblical study: "Hakuna Matata - it means no worries," he said thoughtfully, but the child stood up and said, "Hey, that's from The Lion King!" before ushers rushed over and wrestled the young troublemaker to the ground, taking him and his parents into the green room for questioning.

A brief review of Prior's messages over the past seven years revealed that almost every single sermon point he delivered was ripped straight out of an animated Disney film.

One popular sermon began with a plea for audience members to "let it go, can't hold it back anymore," while his 2014 Easter message finished with the powerful claim that "if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true."

"Always let your conscience be your guide," a blurb on the church's website reads.

The accusations have prompted Disney's powerful team of copyright lawyers to begin pursuing a civil suit against the pastor and the church, sources confirmed Wednesday.

When asked for comment, Prior stated the church would be fighting the allegations. "We must be swift as the coursing river - with all the force of a great typhoon."

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