Oscars Introduce Prestigious New 'Most Tolerable Christian Movie' Award
Entertainment · Feb 25, 2017 · BabylonBee.com

HOLLYWOOD, CA - At the upcoming 90th Academy Awards ceremony Sunday night, the Oscar award for "Most Tolerable Christian Movie" will be handed out for the first time, sources confirmed.

Academy members reportedly sat through hours of grueling Christian films in an effort to select the one that was the least offensive in terms of quality, production value, writing, and acting.

"It was a very competitive year. There were several Christian movies that were just barely passable," a source at the Academy revealed. "But we had to narrow it down to just the top few with plot, dialogue, and pacing that completely shattered the bounds of what is bearable cinema."

"I can't reveal the winner just yet, but we think we've selected a very deserving film that most of us were just barely able to sit through," the source added.

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