New Back Brace Lifts Your Arms During Worship For You
Church · Apr 19, 2019 ·

SHEMLOCK, MO - A new product is hitting the market for Christians who have an arm raising disability: The new Spirit Mbrace back brace. When worn, the Spirit Mbrace lifts your arms effortlessly in worship so you don't have to.

Developed by a team of worship leaders, the Spirit Mbrace helps the huge numbers of Christians who seem to have a problem lifting their arms. "Christians praise God all the time, but statistics show that there is a huge amount of them who, for some reason, can't seem to get their arms up in the air," said researcher and worship leader Gavin Trevor from Lakewisdom Glowing Grace Chapel in Bellvue, NH. 

"With the Spirit Mbrace, we believe we can get everybody to lift their arms up to heaven during worship - which is what all real Christians should be doing anyway," said Hanson Tucker, another worship leader on the team. "I mean, I have to play guitar, but I would if I could," he added.

The Spirit Mbrace comes with free PrayerTape; a set of small, clear, adhesive strips you can place over your eyes to lock them in prayer. The entire set will be available for purchase nationwide in 2020.

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