Man Prepares To Rededicate Life To John Piper At TGC Conference
Celebs · Apr 1, 2017 ·

INDIANAPOLIS, IN - Every believer knows it's easy to get in a rut in the Christian life. For local man Christopher Rucker, the answer to his seasons of spiritual drought comes every two years at The Gospel Coalition's National Conference, where he makes it a point to rededicate his life to author and speaker John Piper.

"Every couple of years, my spiritual life is revitalized as I take time to clear my head and commit my life anew to the man himself," the man said. "I don't know what I'd do without biennial mountaintop experiences like this one."

According to sources close to Rucker, the man takes an opportunity near the end of each TGC National Conference to re-accept John Piper into his life, "with every eye closed and every head bowed."

"When Piper didn't even preach at the 2011 conference, Chris went through a really rough time," his wife told reporters. "He tried to fill the void with other conferences and summits, but it just wasn't the same."

At publishing time, sources had confirmed that Rucker had fashioned himself a "What Would John Piper Do?" bracelet to help him remember his renewed commitment to the popular author and preacher.

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