Local Man Waiting For Second Person To Gather So Jesus Can Show Up
Christian Living · Jun 30, 2016 · BabylonBee.com

The man, Alex Jameson, sat sipping his iced coffee drink for over an hour as he watched out the window, shaking his head in frustration as his Bible study partner failed to show up, ensuring Christ would not be in their midst that day.

"I mean, I do have His Word here in front of me, and even Christ Himself indwelling me," Jameson told another patron as he nibbled on his fingernails, clearly agitated that two or three Christians weren't there and thus neither was Jesus. "But Christ only promised to truly arrive in our midst when we have two or three gathered."

"Man, I hope my buddy gets here soon - I've got some really important stuff I want to tell Jesus," he reportedly told the barista as he ordered another drink.

At publishing time, Jameson had called an audible, choosing instead to get into his car and sing along with the lyrics of a popular Christian song, letting the Holy Spirit know He was welcome there - just to make sure God's presence was really with him.

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