Local Christian's Email Signature The Entire Book Of Isaiah
Christian Living · Jul 22, 2016 · BabylonBee.com

DES MOINES, IA - In a step of great faith and piety, local Christian Dylan Moore announced Friday morning that his email signature has been changed from a short quote taken from 1 Corinthians to the entire Book of Isaiah.

"I just want to be sure that anyone I send digital correspondence to knows that I'm not just a regular Christian - I'm a hardcore follower of Christ," Moore told reporters. "Whether I'm emailing my insurance agent, my work associates, or a random dude selling video games on Craigslist, they'll know the extreme nature of my faith."

While Moore revealed that he rarely mentions Christ directly when emailing his friends, family, or acquaintances, he noted that readers scrolling to the bottom of his otherwise secular and mundane messages were immediately blasted with the scathing words of the prophet Isaiah, in their entirety.

The disciple of Christ reports winning zero converts so far with his innovative approach to evangelism, adding that many of his emails have bounced due to the size of his digital missives. Still, Moore states he's confident that in time, the email sign-off containing all sixty-six chapters of Isaiah will bear much fruit.

"'They will know us by our email signatures,' I always say."

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