10 Movies With A Powerful Libertarian Message
Sponsored · Jun 2, 2022 · BabylonBee.com

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When Libertarians aren't pretending to read Atlas Shrugged for the 12th time, they love to watch movies! It's true! Try to find some common ground with your estranged libertarian friend by sitting down and watching one of their favorite films. Just be careful or you, too, may start questioning governmental authority and U.S. monetary policy.

Here are a few of their favorites:

1) Mad Max: Fury Road - An inspiring tale of a clan that rejects fiat currency in favor of guzzoline and builds their own road without the government's help. Because there is no government.

2) Independence Day - An invading alien force overthrows the entire Federal Government in one night. Take a hike, Executive Branch!

3) Shrek - GET OFF MY SWAMP!

4) Revenge of the Sith - A cautionary tale of liberty dying with thunderous applause.

5) The Patriot - A small but well-regulated militia takes on big government and wins. Wow, is it getting hot in here or what?!

6) Braveheart - Mel Gibson yells "FREEEEEDOOOOM!" a lot.

7) Conspiracy Theory - You know, they may just have a thing for Mel Gibson.

8) Predator - American soldiers interfering in foreign affairs are taken out one by one when a space alien decides to exercise its personal liberty and go hunting.

9) Last Men in Aleppo -  If you watch it you'll know what it is.

10) Documentary that's just two hours of Ron Paul saying "I told you so" - A little hard to find. Check the dark web.

NOT SATIRE: Big government is never the "good guy" in the movies or in real life! Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) is the largest pro-liberty student organization in the country fighting big government.

We're on a mission build a bench of 250 hardcore liberty legislators.

So far, our student activists have helped elect 179 hardcore liberty legislators to office. Here's how they accomplished it:

Knocked on 3,135,105 doors.

Made 3,696,253 phone calls

Mailed out 466,879 letters.

You can help us Make Liberty WIN in 2022. But I need your help.

I am looking to raise $17,760 from Babylon Bee readers so we can recruit student activists to deploy to key states in 2022. Click here to donate $5, $20.22, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or any amount to support pro-liberty college students and elect hardcore liberty candidates.

Lauren Daugherty
Young Americans for Liberty

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