Nearly everyone understands the basic principles of conservatism or liberalism, but surprisingly few people are familiar with the neglected, red-headed stepchild of political philosophies: libertarianism.
Well, no more! The Babylon Bee is here to educate you with the following list of libertarianism's pros and cons:
Pro: Freedom!
Con: Freedom from deodorant.
Pro: You don't need a license to drive a car.
Con: The pilot doesn't need a license to fly the plane you're on.
Pro: People can do whatever they want to do.
Con: Nobody wants to build roads.
Pro: No more lame fiat currency with pictures of war criminals on it.
Con: Gold and silver are really heavy to carry around.
Pro: People in your party are like-minded and enjoy personal freedoms.
Con: Most of them are a bunch of dirty hippies.
Pro: You can own a fully equipped A-10 Warthog.
Con: Absolutely nothing, brother.
Pro: No more oppressive zoning regulations.
Con: Your neighbor just built a slaughterhouse in his backyard.
Pro: No involvement in foreign wars.
Con: China just invaded Newport Beach.
Pro: Gold standard means no inflation!
Con: You'll never be able to taste a $10 hot dog.
Pro: You can buy an AR-15 to defend your marijuana plants.
Con: Oh no, you just invented a cartel operation and now have to defend yourself from the competing cartel!
Use this handy list to determine if libertarianism is the way to go. Or don't. You just decide whatever is right for you, man.
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Meet John Larson, a paraplegic firefighter who is breaking barriers with the LAFD.