Journalists Admit They're Supporting Biden Just So They Can Take Another 4-to-8-Year-Long Vacation
Politics · Aug 26, 2020 ·

U.S. - Journalists across the country admitted Wednesday that they're endorsing Biden just so they can take another 4-8-year-long vacation.

Weary of criticizing the president every second for the past four years, journalists say they just want to return to the Obama era when they didn't have to do any actual journalism.

"Honestly, we're tired from doing so much reporting. Remember the Obama days?" said one Washington Post reporter. "We didn't have to do anything aside from the occasional fluff piece or cover-up of a scandal. But for the most part, things were quiet. We had to work a lot less. It was quite pleasant."

"Imagine another 4 years of Trump -- we'd have to scream at the sky and keep making up scandals each and every day. It just sounds so exhausting."

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